Sunday, May 18, 2008

Disneyland, August 1986: Entrance

This guy is just plain scary. Not only his goofy expression (pardon the pun), but his horrible 80’s Members Only Jacket (please don’t ask me how I know about his coat—guilty as charged–I had one too). What the heck is that mechanical mess at the entrance?

This shot was taken from the train and shows the back of that mess:

Speaking of trains, here are a few shots of my fave DL transportation at the Main Street Station:

You can never get enough balloons...or shorts that are too short for men. Definitely an 80’s thing.

More 80’s goodness to come. See more Disneyland Railroad photos at my website.


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    The 80's were the decade when "Daisy Dukes" were for everybody.

  2. Wow, thank goodness I didn't see that first photo early in the morning! ;-)

    That dude is disturbing!

    On another note, isn't it amazing that newer film technology didn't last like the old Kodachrome beauties?

  3. By the way, could that mechanical monstrosity have been the old "Dream Machine"?? I think that for the 30th anniversary, you got a pin or some other little prize, and a lucky few won a car. Interesting and rare photos!

  4. Oh these are fun!

    You always get the best pictures.
