Friday, April 11, 2008

Disneyland 1956, Fantasyland Pt. 1

When last we visited 1956, we were standing in front of the castle; today let’s journey across the drawbridge into Fantasyland. Our first view is full of things to do: The Carrousel, shopping at the Mad Hatter, Peter Pan, and overhead is the Skyway. View #2 shows both Merlin’s Magic Shop & The Carrousel; I have included closeups of the Ticket Booth & Merlin’s.

Interestingly enough, the design for the Disneyland mailboxes has changed very little over the years; compare to this contemporary shot:

One more shot of Merlin’s:

This shot shows the Fantasyland Skyway Station, as well as a few whimsical benches that we can sit on and watch the guests go by.

To see more Fantasyland photos, visit my website.


  1. Great post, super shots! Love the ticket booth closeup and the neat Skyway angle. WOW, these are sure warm and cozy.... THANKS!

  2. You can see the rarely-photographed giant Skyway sign in the last photo!

    Merlin's Magic Shop looked particularly antique with its mossy green paint scheme. It was changed fairly early on, so somebody must have decided that it was too drab.

  3. Not only has the design changed very little, but that mailbox is still in the same place!

  4. Love the original color schemes for Fantasyland! Ken Anderson was a flippin' genius.

  5. My favorite element is the ice cream cart in the first photograph. Mmmm, ice cream!
