Friday, April 18, 2008

Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship Rededication

December 23, 1960: The Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship Restaurant was rechristened when the area that it resided in was “plussed.” Here you can see the COTS Mermaid christening the vessel with...champagne at Disneyland?!? Or maybe just a bottle of sparkling apple juice! Looking on with smiles (and possibly one grimace) are Gilbert Van Camp Jr., Walt (as in Disney), and Gilbert Van Camp Sr. Afterwards, you would have thought it was a Madonna concert judging by the crowds of people hungry to get inside. Okay, so I exaggerate just a tad. Knowing about those Tuna Salad Boats inside, I am sure they were at least hungry.

So what was added you ask? Originally, the Ship was anchored in barely enough water to surround it; nothing fancy at all, as can be seen in this October 1956 Skyway view:

Here’s a November 1960 construction shot showing the area being renovated:

Last but not least, here is an October 1969 shot showing the upgraded Skull Rock Cove and seating area that turned this spot of Fantasyland into a lovely area to rest, relax, and eat:

To see more vintage Chicken of the Sea photos, visit my website.


  1. It's always great to see a "Walt shot", and I love that second photo with that misty quality. Do you think that those people knew they were waiting in that long line for a restaurant?

  2. Great shots, Dave!

    Love the combination of photos that you presented. There is an article in an older E-Ticket about the COTS and I was glad to see the interior.

  3. Loved the COTS new area. It was one of my favorite places to take a little break. (Coke Corner was the other) You can see the the little carved out bench where I would always sit (just between the skull and the trash can on the right.)

  4. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I'm gonna pretend the Madonna shout out was for me. =P I LOVE the shot of the skull from up above. NIIIIICE.

  5. An embarrassment of riches...what a nice collection of shots.

    Great post Dave; but what else is new?

