Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Matterhorn & Enchanted Comparisons

Here are two excellent (although undated) Matterhorn shots; I especially love the closeup of the climbers. It appears that one of them has found something interesting on the iconic mountain and has to stop for closer inspection.

These 2 photos were also in the same batch; here are 2 canoes racing around Tom Sawyer Island; judging by the clothing, these slides are late 60’s/early 70’s. Another view for today from the same batch shows a little topiary action over at Small World.

And as an extra treat, fan favorite Mildred found her way into this batch; she's put on a little weight, but still manages to keep that same sourpuss expression that hides the Disney Princess beneath.

See more Matterhorn photos at my website

Meanwhile, over in the present...today marks the DVD release of Disney’s “Enchanted,” which I consider one of the best and most hip Disney releases in years. Much of its success can be attributed to its leading lady, Amy Adams. The movie has become known for its wink-wink-nod-nod references to Disney Classics of the past, and Disney has not been shy about promoting this. Here are some publicity stills from Disney pointing out the comparisons for those unable to figure it out for themselves:

This one, although attributed to “Sleeping Beauty” could just as easily be attributed to “Snow White”:

1 comment:

  1. The presence of Indians on the canoes (thus making them the Indian War Canoes) would put 1971 as an upper limit on the date of the photos. I agree that those are nice shots of the Matterhorn!
