Monday, March 31, 2008

The Golden Horseshoe Revue Reunion

Saturday night I had the good fortune to be able to attend Carlene Thie’s tribute to the Golden Horseshoe Revue & Wally Boag. First photo here is an exterior of the saloon from 1956, showing one of Walt’s favorite attractions at the park, and the site of his 30th Anniversary Celebration (just days before the park was even open). Shot #2 is the original cast of this rootin’ tootin’ entertainment, including Wally Boag, Judy Marsh, Donald Novis, & the Can-Can Girls.

Shots #3 & #4 are from March 1976, showing the songbird of the show, Betty Taylor, and Wally Boag with Fulton Burley.

Flash forward to today (or Saturday night to be more exact...): held at the Anaheim Sheraton, the event included a silent auction of memorabilia & collectibles (picture is my painted reproduction of the original attraction poster).

Carlene is shown with her daughter Rachel, wearing an original Betty Taylor gown & wig/headdress:

With the Can-Can girls:

Entertainment started off with the Dapper Dans, who were in fine vocal form:

And it just wouldn’t have been a show without the Can-Can girls, who still have got it...splits, was all there:

The show continued on with some of the show’s more memorable alumni: Jim Adams’ ventriloquism act brought the house down.

From the current Billy Hill show was Kirk Wall, doing his best Elvis imitation:

There were a number of stirring tributes from Disney legends, like Bob Gurr, Marty Sklar, and Charles Boyer:

The most touching tributes were by Wally’s son & daughter. His daughter gave her account of what it was like to have free reign at Disneyland, and how she & her childhood friends never missed the closing show of the Revue whenever they were at the park.

Although frail, Wally still has the spark in his eye and comic sense that has made him a true Disney legend:

Curtain call by all the participants, including GH alumni Dana Daniels on the right:

It was truly a special evening, and many kudos go to Carlene for arranging it. If you are not familiar with the Golden Horseshoe Revue, be sure to get the DVD Disneyland: Secrets, Stories, & Magic. It contains a 1962 10,000th Show Tribute to the Revue, and is glowing color footage of Betty Taylor & Wally Boag. To see more Golden Horseshoe Reunion photos, visit my website.


  1. Wow, it is great to be able to see these wonderful photos, and really amazing to see the photo of Wally! It must have been very moving to be there with so many people who love him. Was Betty Taylor unable to make it?

    Thanks for sharing these!

  2. Apparently Betty lives in BFE Oregon, and the journey is too long/complicated for her to make. So, unfortunately she was not there. She was really missed - that's for sure! Still a wonderful evening though.

  3. Thank you, Dave, for providing a look into last night's events for those of us who couldn't make it.

  4. Appreciate all the effort in sharing your evening of the Golden Horseshoe Reunion with us Dave. Great job.

  5. thank you for sharing this special night with those of us not able to attend. it looked to be a grand time.

  6. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Wow, that event looks cheap and cheesy and the big lady wearing Betty's dresses is the epitome of disrespect. Whose idea was it to wear Betty's dresses? How sad.

  7. Anonymous - what's even sadder is your disrespectful commentary on something you did not attend. It meant a lot to Wally and his family, and although the Sheraton Anaheim was probably not the most high-class venue, it was still a great evening with plenty of Disney legends in attendance and on the stage. And considering Betty personally gave the costumes to Carlene Thie (who put the event on), your comment is even less valid.

  8. Hey Dave, Sweet post, looks like a grand event (I won’t even comment on what "Anon." said.) I bet this had a profound effect on Wally, to know he is so loved and respected.

    NICE work on your painting! It really looks fantastic; boy did you capture the mood. Do you know who won it?

    THANKS FOR THE EXTRA LONG POST! I thoroughly enjoyed it

  9. In response to "Anonymous", you are a total jerk. First for leaving a comment anonymously and second for giving a statement about something you obviously know nothing about.

  10. I think I know exactly who "anonymous" is, and it makes his comments event more crass and disrespectful than at first glance. Hiding behind "anonymous" makes you a chicken on top of your idiotic comments.

    Dave, again I want to thank you for your contribution to the event. The poster was absolutely beautiful! Great, great job. If you ever consider making a smaller version I'd love to aquire one. :) Thanks also for the great report!

    Lannie Bartlett

  11. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Thanks for the post. I'd been supposed to attend, but various logistical problems made it too difficult for me to get there and back, and Carlene was very nice about refnding my ticket price.

    Your pictures only make the missing out pangs worse, but I'm glad to see them all the same. Wally looks great, all things considered. I hope he had the best time possible, because he gave us all so many great times. What a fantastic performer he was.

    As for anonymnous's ignorant, cowardly slam, he obviously doesn't know that an event can not be cheesy when it's powered by love, as this was by the great love we all have for Wally and Betty and the good ole Golden Horsehoe Review.

    Thanks again for sharing.

  12. Thanks to all (save 1) for the nice comments; great to know that there is still so much appreciation out there for the original GH Revue. Lannie - If you are serious about wanting a smaller painting, email me at and we can discuss.

  13. Dave; I just wanted to say thank you for the awesome Paintings. The pictures of the painting on your site doesn’t give justice to how beautiful they are in person. I’m just so amazed on the quality of your work. Thank you!

    I did give to the Heather Boag ; The painting of Wally in the four squares. Heather Boag; Just loved it and was just so touched and so pleased about how great it was. Your work touched her heart in such a great way. She said to say thank you!!

    I’m so happy to have met you in person, and thank you and everyone else who had a hand in making this event so perfect for the Boag family.

    And for the rude comment; maybe they have issues with me or ??; yet it was tasteless and obviously you lack class or respect on your part. Social educate states; if you have nothing nice to say, then its best not to say anything at all. You must of known it wasn’t in the best of taste; for you didn’t even sign your name to your post. People that make rude comments about others that work hard to do for others; have no Disney Magic in their heart. For Walt Disney was truly about doing and giving for others; and spreading that onto everyone else. What have you done nice for others, the mark in left in your path; was negative… where is your contribution to others ??

    Ape Pen Publishing

  14. Anonymous9:07 AM

    Great pictures. Did Judy Marsh come to the event? She is my aunt and I lost touch with her many years ago.

  15. Anonymous: I do not believe that Judy Marsh was there.

  16. Anonymous11:24 AM

    To anonymous: Is Judy Marsh really your aunt? i know someone (who knew someone..) who dated her son. Did you lose touch with your cousins? I believe Judy had a heart attack a few years ago and is living in a home.

    you can contact me at if you want more information.

  17. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Dan, I just now read your comment. That email came back to me. Yes, Judy was my aunt. She was married to my uncle Paul and they had twins, Judy and Paul. They split up when the twins were around three and our family never knew where they went. My uncle is now deceased and we would like to know how the twins are doing. I'm sorry to hear about Judy. Thank you. Rachel
