Thursday, March 13, 2008

All things Tiki

During my interlude until the next series (which will be soon!), I am featuring some Tiki items that I do not believe exist at the park anymore, beginning with this sign for a phone in Adventureland. These are all undated, although I would guess 1960’s. Next up are a series of trashcans; this style in the park is rare, as most are the square-boxy style (which I really like!)

In this October 1965 shot from the Devlin collection (again...MUCH more coming soon!), you can see the top of one of these bullet-shaped cans:

While in Adventureland, thought I'd also post this photo that ought to get Tim salivating a little bit:

See more vintage & current Adventureland photos at my main website.


  1. These are some nice detail shots! Did the person who shot these go around and take more photos like this around the Park, or were they just fascinated by Adventureland?

  2. It's all great stuff, but I would LOVE to have that telephone sign!

  3. Details, details, details. I love 'em. Fantastic pics.

  4. WOW Dave, I was admiring the exotic & pretty lady with the wild colored dress in your 1965 photo thinking of something nice to say when BAM! ----> An amazing ticket sign! I’ve never seen one like this? This only shows the in-park book options.

    Interesting choice the buyer has. Same price for each. At first glance you would say “Give me the 10 ticket book” but if you notice, the 10 book is an “A thru E” book, it probably has three “E” tickets and the rest are A thru D,. The “5 book” has 5 “any ride” tickets, which to the smart buyer means “5 E tickets”! Still a tough choice.

    GREAT Post – Thanks Dave! I love the trashcans but why did someone take those pictures? Are they publicity shots (if they are that’s even stranger~!)

  5. I don't have too many details on these photographs or the photographer, but I believe they were internal shots taken by WED staff.

  6. Love the tiki, Dave!

    I was thrilled to see Walt Disney's Enchanted Tiki Room (under OLD management) playing to a packed house on a Monday afternoon.

  7. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Yeah the old trash cans at Tiki were great... but after the early 90's refurb and the wall being taken down around the lanai all the trash cans went to the generic form seen all around adventureland a cost cutting measure implimented by paul pressler and cynthia harris) for easy replacment and also janitors complained that they took longer to empty out

  8. Great shots and great post!
