Saturday, February 23, 2008

Random 56/57

I have a few new series to start posting, but never like to begin one on a weekend...let's face it, most people are not looking at this blog on a weekend. So, instead, I am posting a few stray 1956/57 images that I do not believe I have posted before. My fave shot is #1, showing the wheelhouse of the Mark Twain as if it were yesterday. #2 is a fairly empty entrance gate, showing the Lilly Belle in its former incarnation as the Grand Canyon Passenger Car (car on the far right).

Another one of the station, featuring a few attraction posters; I am including a closeup of the one on the right; is it for the Art Corner in Tomorrowland?

The Major will love this one; it finally proves that the teepees were actually all white at one point:

See more vintage and current Disneyland photos at my website.


  1. Hey Dave- yes that is the Art Corner Streets of Paris poster. It is a very rare poster with probably only one run of approximately 300 posters.

  2. A fantastic picture of the entrance...what a beauty. I always look on the weekend Dave...don't want to miss anything.

  3. The white teepees sure contrast well with that gloomy Southern California sky!

  4. I have only seen one real Art Corner poster in person (a friend owns one), it is definitely one of the rarest of the rare.

    THANKS for the picture with the white teepees! So strange to see them before they've been turned into tanned buffalo hide. It's funny, the lot that I had (with my white teepee photo) also had dramatic cloudy skies. They might have been taken on nearly the same day?

  5. Great shot of the posters!
