Saturday, February 16, 2008

Matterhorn Fun!

Here’s a souvenir photo from December 30, 1962. As most of you know, I do love this kitsch element. Call me old fashioned, but I don’t believe that every part of the park has to be whiz-bang-3D-in-your-face-technology to be a hit; old fashioned photo booths and crazy cutouts like this would still be popular. I am also including a closeup of the photo itself without the souvenir jacket.

Here’s a shot of the Matterhorn, 2 months earlier, in October 1962, featuring the Yacht Bar on the left and the Round Skyway buckets overhead.

See more vintage and current Matterhorn photos at my website.


  1. Great expressions on thier faces! Neat souvenir jacket too. Hey Dave, where was the place to get this picture taken located? Was it by the other cut-outs or was it by itself near the Matterhorn?

  2. I'm with you Dave. This is very cool stuff. And a great Yacht Bar pic too! What more can you ask for. Thanks.

  3. Hey VDT- check out my posts archives, I have a collection of images to the entrance. There were two spots, the first in Tomorrowland with lots of cutouts- including Main Street, Submarine Voyage, Matterhorn, Mark Twain, Adventureland (you are in Trader Sam's pot) and more. It was later moved to Main Street at the Kodak shops and the prop was the back of the Railroad with a nice drum head.

    Thanks Dave for Matterhorn stuff!
