Thursday, February 14, 2008

Final October 1968 and House of the Future

The final shots from the October 1968 batch, starting with this empty view of Frontierland and the Rivers of America. The flowers nicely reflect the color pallette of Fall. Naturally, I have enclosed a closeup of the signage:

This very stylish and mod girl is getting her sketch done in what appears to be New Orleans Square:

Last one for this batch shows Central Plaza...put me down for a frozen chocolate banana, please!

Yetserday’s big news was the release of info that The House of the Future is coming back. Only one site that I saw mentioned a location, stating that the Carousel of Progress first floor was to be the location. I am hoping this is just a case of bad reporting (wouldn't surprise me from this particular site) and that a house is actually going to be built instead. Reading the AP report leads me to believe that a house IS actually going to be built: “The 5,000-square-foot home, scheduled to open in May, will look like a suburban tract home outside. But inside it will feature hardware, software and touch-screen systems that could simplify everyday living.” Here’s an image from October 1962 of the legendary original House of the Future:

And of course, Happy Valentine’s Day! See more vintage Disneyland House of the Future photos at my website.


  1. I love the picture of the mod girl, she reminds me of a girl I had a huge crush on in high school!

    It sounds like they will be building a house of the future, but it won't be THE House of the Future... I'm a bit disappointed to hear that the outside is going to look like an ordinary tract home. Why not at least attempt some sort of futuristic styling, for the fun of it?

  2. Great series, thanks for the sign close-up!

    Where did you here that about the House of the Future? I’m with Major in my disappointment that it will look like my house! Where do you think they will put it? I guess you build a house inside the Carrousel of Progress, that would be weird!

  3. Hey Dave, I was looking around the internets and found this on ebay:

    Monsanto House of the Future Drawings Plans Disneyland
    Interior Design 1957-59 Total of 35 Eames Era Pieces Item number: #160206665853 - $1000 opening bid!

    WOW, these are neat! My birthday is coming up in May - LOL!!!

  4. Fantastic picture of HOF Dave. God I loved this area. Thanks

  5. Tim - Someone sent me the link to those sketches yesterday - amazing how quickly the price shot up. Uh, yeah...your birthday...I'll keep that in mind! After doing some more web cruising today, it DOES appear that the 1st Floor of Innoventions will be where the new HOF will go. I sure hope that is not correct...

  6. The close up of the sign references the Big Game Safari, a personal favorite from my early visits. The shooting arcades were so much more fun when you shot actual lead pellets...I can still picture the attendant loading my rifle before I could cut loose on the elephants and tigers and such.

    Also, I believe the location where the girl is getting her sketch done is still in business. It's over by the the beautiful courtyard with the curving stairs in NOS.

    My kids have always wanted to get their sketches done, and I've got to do that one of these days (kind of spendy though).

  7. You said it, Major. It kind of sounds like Disneyland doesn't "get" why anyone would want to build an imaginatively-designed house, like the original HOF. The article posted today by the Associated Press makes it sound as though the original house was cold and uninviting to guests. It's odd that Disney would want to "pay tribute" to a classic of the past, while simultaneously berating it. Hmm.

    LINK to the AP article:
