Sunday, January 13, 2008

Summer 1962

Summer 1962 is the time of this small group of family photos. Mom and her two boys stand in front of the Mickey Floral, with lots of my favorite vintage posters behind her. What a way to get the show going: bright, clear, well-designed graphics that herald the marvels awaiting you once you cross under the railroad tracks. I’d mention the word colorful, but the colors of these posters are lost with these bw photos. Love the miniature flag that the boy is waving; a sense of patriotism not seen much anymore. Nevertheless...shot 2 is mom with her sons again, this time standing in front of the castle. She is doing her best to hold them together for a pose, however they hear the siren-song of the Carrousel and want to cross over that bridge as soon as possible.

Here are two of the boys riding the Carrousel; dad was careful to give each child equal time with the photos that day.

Poor dad just keeps getting worse on the composition as the day progresses; probably getting increasingly frazzled due to the strollers that unaware parents keep bumping into him with. Mom is still cool as a cucumber, carefully holding the boys together with her perfectly-manicured nails and her hands posed just-so. Clock of the World made a great picture spot at the entrance to Tomorrowland. Today, if you tried to stop and take a photo at the Tomorrowland entrance you’d be run over by kids/adults in a hurry to get to Space Mountain or Nemo.

See more vintage Disneyland photos on my regular website.


  1. Mom was quite sensible with her large hat. Would not want to get a sunburn.

  2. I love these old black and white snapshots...color is great, but these family shots have a wonderful vintage feel.

  3. Carrousel shots show some good detail of the ride. Dad must have had enough by the last one, and imagine the wonders that reside inside that large white purse! "Hey mom, I broke my shoe lace", mom says "White or Black"?

    Always fun to have these types of shots, bad composition can have some great background stuff!

