Friday, January 18, 2008

Mildred The Pirate

THIS JUST IN: Vintage Disneyland Tickets has supplied this image to prove that Mildred and Church Lady were separated at birth...stunning:

Back to the regular post...

Before Jack Sparrow, there was Mildred. Here she is, ready to steer the Chicken of the Sea Pirate Ship to nowhere, October 1969. I feel bad for this gentleman in the blue sweater; he sense the impending danger of Mildred as he hesitantly enters the ship. Who knows what she's got in that industrial sized purse.

3 years later, Mildred is back at the park; this time, she wants to see what this Small World attraction is all about.

Here are a few other images from Mildred’s July 1972 visit:

Last one of Mildred; she’s in Town Square, and this self-proclaimed sourpuss has been taken in by the Disney magic. She’s bought out the Emporium! Pluto’s dying to know what’s in her purse, and the little boy in yellow looks appropriately in awe, captured by the spell of Mildred’s bouffant.

Mildred has now left the building, but tomorrow we will see some of the other sights that she saw on her visit to Disneyland. See more vintage Disneyland photos on my regular website.


  1. She still has that huge purse in 72! Look how she has to old it in the Small World photo! That would be like carrying around a laptop computer bag all day at Disneyland!

    Do I detect a slight Smile on Milly (she now lets me call her Milly) in that last picture? Pluto looks more speechless than usual, and the kid in the yellow is still in therapy!!!! THANKS FOR THIS SERIES!!!

  2. Separated at Birth:

    I don't know how to post a picture here, so paste that link together please.... Hey, how do you post a pic to the comments?????? Help..

  3. You can't fool me! Millie is really Queen Elisabeth II, and Pluto is really MI-5 security. She probably slipped away in her Land Rover when no one was looking, and decided to see what America was all about. The guy in the blue sweater is one of the Old Gray Men caught keeping an eye on the Queen.

  4. Love those trippy Emporium bags!

  5. Go Mildred!

    Love the Pirate Ship shots...

  6. Omigarsh---I didn't know what I was missing with this here Mildred. How good is the whole layout? Eating, shopping, hanging with Pluto and the general public, this is a treasure trove that I shan't get over anytime soon--more Mildred, more more more!!!
