Friday, December 21, 2007

DLand Time Machine: March 1960, Pt. 1

Fasten your seat belts, readers, as Daveland takes you to yet another series of retro Disneyland images. March 1960 is the date stamp on this batch, starting out with none other than the Mickey floral and Main Street Train Station hard cart. I believe that is Audrey Hepburn trying to be incognito with the scarf on the left. Next up are a few images from Storybook Land, starting with this one of Cinderella’s Castle.

More florals:

One of the lesser known Kodak Picture Spots, the infamous benches of Fantasyland:

A great Skyway shot of Cinderella’s Castle again, but this time we get the distraction of the REAL world as well:

Now HERE’S a great Skyway shot of Storybook Land:

I am including 2 detail shots from this photo; the first is of the Midget Autopia, and the 2nd is a request for info.

By March 1960, the Viewliner was supposedly kaput. However, zooming in on this, I could swear that this is the Viewliner and not the Monorail. Experts?

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. Wow, sure looks like the Viewliner to me....a mystery, indeed. Could the Viewliner be sitting out there behind the berm, unused? Maybe they hadn't cut it up for scrap yet!

  2. Awesome series! I am thinking it's monorail red behind there. (1) I recently read that the upper bodies design of the Mark I monorail were basically identical to the Viewliner (2) I have old Ariel photo's that show the original staging area / maintenance spur was right behind Fantasyland Station. All just a guess...

    Great detail shots of the que lines for StoryBook, I love this stuff!


  3. I love the Kodak Picture Spot!

    Dave, it does look like my little refirgerator magnet of the monorail. So, basically, I am no help with this at all!

  4. I examined some aerial photos from 1960 and they clearly show the monorail maintenance building just behind the Fantasyland Station berm. The maintenance building is just to the left of Monorail Red in the image.(it's half in, half out). Good call Tim (VDT)!!! A little extra info: The Monorail maintenance building had a single track spur off the main line and could only house one Monorail at a time. Later to be replaced by the more familiar location paralleling Harbor Blvd. with multi-spurs.
