Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Tencennial: Go West Young Man! Pt. 2

First off, I want to begin with a plug for all you Golden Horseshoe fans; there will be a GH reunion show in Anaheim next March; tickets are available now, and I would suggest you act quickly. Wally Boag, Betty Taylor, and other original cast members will be performing. Back to the regularly scheduled Tencennial broadcast, we are still in Frontierland, finishing out this section of our visit with some more Rivers of America photos. The Indian Burial photos always creep me out, but I still think it was waaaay cool of Walt to include this along the river.

Next up is a view of the Indian Village along the river, which is actually still there today, although modified.

And 2 shots of the infamous Burning Cabin, which has gone condo recently. Well, maybe not condo, but it’s still purty durn civilized in comparison to being a moonshiner’s shack some 40 years ago!

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. I like the Indian Burial setup feels very authentic!

  2. Keep the images coming!
