Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Lotsa’ Main Street

Tobacco? At Disneyland? Who’d ’a thunk it? Here’s a nice clear (albeit undated) view of the Tobacco Shop, which is now 20th Century Music. I have also provided a recent comparison shot for you to check kout as well:

Next up is an undated and somewhat blurry 1950’s view of the Horse-Drawn Trolley and the Gibson Greeting Card Shop.

I am actually in the process of painting this same area of Main Street.

Next up is a June 1964 view from Town Square, showing the INA Carefree Corner, currently the Kodak Photo Supply Shop. January 1968 gives us this view of the East Side of the street, just a little further down.

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland Main Street U.S.A. photos at my main website.


  1. I like the ultra graphic look of your painting, very "postery"! I realize it's unfinished, but it's cool.

    I've got to get back to painting with real paint! Someday....

  2. Oops, forgot to mention that one of Disneyland's wooden indians was for sale at Glendale Collector's Show last weekend. He was much darker and more "antique" looking than the one in your first photo, but otherwise I have no doubt that it was the real thing. Asking price, $4600. It was kind of sad to see him for sale...

  3. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Thot you'd like to know what that is printed on the door on the right, especially since it was something that could ONLY be approved & put there by Walt hisself.

    The following gem was painted on the window shade...

    "Tobacco is a filthy weed;
    It satisfies no normal need.
    It makes you thin, it makes you lean;
    It's the worst darn stuff you've ever seen --
    I LIKE IT!"

  4. Those are some great shots. I am new to your blog and website but I plan on checking everything out.

    Thanks for the great pics.

  5. Anonymous1:08 AM

    Of course tobacco in Disneyland. Where do you think chain-smoking Walt got his cigarettes before they killed him?

    Back when I was a smoker, (I quit 17 years ago), I always made a point of buying a pack at the main street tobacco shop whenever I visited the shop, particularly since, once I was old enough to visit the park without my parents, I would smoke like crazy in the park.
