Saturday, July 21, 2007

Adventureland/Tiki Room Entrance

May 1967 brings us this photo showing the famous Adventureland arch as well as the entrance to the Tiki Room; be sure not to miss the very large bouffant on the left. Even in 1967, there are a ton-o-strollers. I have also zoomed in on the United Airlines sign/Jose the Barker Bird area.

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland Enchanted Tiki Room photos at my main website.


  1. Think of all the hairspray that lady needed. She was responsible for the hole in the ozone layer!

  2. Love that barker bird!!!

  3. I never knew that the barker bird sat up there with Uti. I always thought he sat closer to the entry turnstiles for the attraction.
