Thursday, June 14, 2007

Streetcar Named Desire montage

Every now and then, I will tackle a project like this that I know will take ages to finish. There’s something about montages like this that I really like; so much to see and notice that it takes many viewings to catch everything. It’s also a challenge to fit many different pieces together to make one whole image. This painting is from the Vivien Leigh & Marlon Brando film “Streetcar Named Desire,” based on the play by Tennessee Williams. Leigh gives a touching performance; her insanity is heartbreaking. Sadly, unlike Scarlett O’Hara, southern belle Blanche is not a survivor. I am pleased with the way the Leigh images turned out; some of the Brando faces are a little whacked, but overall, I still like the finished product.

See more of my art at my main website.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:51 PM

    this is beautiful
    you have captured this movie and its essence so well in your montage and the likeness to the characters is unmistakeable

