Thursday, May 31, 2007

Mine Train/Pack Mules

This group from July 1958 is either waiting for the Rainbow Caverns Mine Train or the electric chair; hard to tell from the expressions/posture. I have added two additional photos from the same group showing the Pack Mules attraction. Hopefully anonymous will notice that these are black and white photos, and not poor color correction on my part.

For more vintage & current Frontierland photos, visit my regular website.


  1. You know... I lurk here often and never post, but it might be time to comment. Anonymous very nicely thanked you for posting so many great images and told you to keep up the great work - and then offered a small piece of advice in an effort to be helpful. You in turn give him a hard time for it. That's a really poor attitude. If you don't want (or can't handle)comments to your blog perhaps you should indicate as much. Now I'll join anonymous in thanking you for your hard work.

  2. If I was unable to handle the comments on my blog, then I'd delete 'em; as it is, i let it be a public forum (even though it is my blog). I also can be somewhat sarcastic—that's just my personality. If you have a hard time with my humor, well, that's a small price to pay for getting to look at these historic photos for absolutely free while I spend my own money and "free" time restoring/posting them. Although I appreciate your "thanks for the hard work," it takes on a bitter taste after your crack on my attitude.

  3. ...and furthermore...the unsettling thing about blogging for me is that people usually do "lurk" and rarely make a comment unless it is to point out an error. Mixing it with a "thank you" doesn't make it any sweeter. I have noticed this on Matterhorn and Major's blogs as well.

  4. Hey Dave, don't let comments get you down....I really believe that most comments that seem negative aren't really meant to be. They just come across that way when written (if you know what I mean). And lurkers are just a fact of life on the internet...I have to admit that there are many blogs that I enjoy that I seldom comment on (I do try to once in a while). Most people appreciate your hard work and the chance to view your amazing collection!

  5. Anonymous9:37 AM

    WOW!! This really gets me mad. You do such a great job of providing us with daily entertainment!!! Every once in a while I try to get my "thank yous" in. Then you get complete know it all ungreatful jerks who are to lazy to productively comment and just want to criticize?? Come on with a name like "Parkhistorian" I am certain that you could have "commented" some useful information instead of your lame critic!!

    THANK YOU DAVE for the excellant job you do and I apologize for not saying this more often!!!!

  6. Your grays are looking a little pink. ;)
    I love the boys expression in the last shot! I make the same face on occasion.

  7. Hi Dave, WOW, a mini firestorm! And yes, mixing "thank you's" does NOT make it any sweeter, kind of like beating your wife and saying "it's because I love you"...

    Great work on these, as always. I love that boys expression also, looks like he was have a grand time.

    Whats with he family of downers in the first shot? So much for happiest place on earth.... LOL!



  8. I do love the expressions in the first photo; could definitely spawn a gazillion of classic balloon quotes above their heads. Tim & Tikimoose - thanks for the laugh! As always Major, you are right - shouldn't let a few Debbie-Downers get to me! There will still be another post tomorrow!
