Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Indian Village Beefcake, 1955

A little vintage beefcake from the Indian Village, and from what I understand, this 1955 shot is from when this attraction was over near Adventureland.

See more vintage Disneyland Indian Village photos at my main website.


  1. beefcake?!!!

    whoa, that's bad mojo, dave!

    them injuns is gonna infest your soul a'la jim morrison...its all sex drugs and rock n roll for you now!

  2. And is that a bad thing?!? I'm just holding tight until Rosemary corrects me again and tells me the proper term is "Native American Village." In the meantime, I could do much worse than Jim Morrison.

  3. Hey Dave, if you look at my post from Feb 27, you can see that the Jungle Cruise is just over a little berm right behind the indian dancers.

  4. You can also see clear to the back of Main Street, so this is most definitely the original location.

  5. You can also see clear to the back of Main Street, so this is most definitely the original location.

  6. The dancer on the right worked there in 1955- starting in July so this is an early shot.
