Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Ozone Killer

You just know that this lady single-handedly depleted the ozone layer with that huge bouffant hairdo; oh, yeah, and isn’t that a nice shot of the band playing in the background?!? I guess 1966 was the year for big hair, as these restaurant employees also attest to. Dig the uniforms, too!

And, while we’re in New Orleans Square, thought I’d throw in another shot from the same period (August, 1966) which shows my favorite photo-opp.

I will be on hiatus until early next week—see you then!

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. Wow, that first photo is great. Is this the French Market? Something about the architectural details reminds me of the Haunted Mansion!

  2. Yes Major - you are correct. I believe this is the French Market area.

  3. I love these unusual shots - great non-typical stuff..

  4. It looks so under-developed without the trees that have grown up behind the Royal Street Bachelors stage! Also, love the lamps on each table. I'll bet they really looked nice at night, kind of a Blue Bayou in the open.

    What is that hideous figure in the Court of Angels?

  5. Mouse - I have no idea; can only imagine it was part of a poorly planned seasonal decor!
