Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Astro Jets, July 1960

Today’s first photo provides a double bonus: a shot of the defunct Astro Jets (RIP, 1966) AND Jordan’s buddy Pugsly Addams. I am assuming today’s Astro Orbiter is supposed to replace this former attraction, however, it doesn’t begin to touch this way cool retro design.

For those who are not into Tomorrowland, I have dipped into the Rainbow Ridge files again for this Pack Mule shot, also from July 1960. Jordan—if you look closely, you will see Pugsley straddled precariously atop a mule; give that animal an extra carrot!

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. Hey Dave, the double (and sometimes triple) posts are awesome. Don't work too hard, it's supposed to be for fun! It is much appreciated though...

  2. poor must suck having to share a rocket jet with a hitler youth member...

  3. Hey Jordan- He was just practicing to be in a Mel Brooks film, or for his big debut in The Producers.
