Sunday, September 24, 2006

Mineral Hall

Apparently, from what I pick up on from Tangaroa’s comments, Mineral Hall is the Holy Grail of the slide world. Here’s a nice 1958 Rainbow Ridge shot that includes Mineral Hall on the right. My second shot isn’t necessarily a wonder of composition, but I thought it was cool that it shows the tunnel that the mine train enters; not something you’d normally photograph.

My last pic looks pretty run of the mill on first glance, but if you zoom in on the left, you see the Haunted Mansion, circa 1963, way before it’s even open yet.

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. It's true, there are not many nice photos of the Mineral Hall.

    Re: the train & tunnel that the tunnel into Rainbow Caverns? I don't think it's the first tunnel you go through, but I'm not sure.

    Wow, lots of photos today, you must have taken your vitamins!

  2. That first photo is one of the best Nature's Wonderland photos I have seen. Also, I believe the tunnel is where you would go into the Rainbow Caverns. And thanks for the close up on the Haunted Mansion.

  3. Hey Dave - I actually think that tunnel is the second tunnel by Cascade Peak, just before you enter Bear Country (not the land, but on the portion of the attraction named the same).

    Yeah - Mineral Hall images are very very rare. But I still think an interior of the 'World Beneath Us' would top it!

  4. The Old Mill is almost completely covered in ivy!

  5. Anonymous8:06 AM

    These are verry good photos. These are the only nice photos about Mineral Hall. Good work
