Monday, September 04, 2006

Mark Twain and parking lot, July 18, 1955

Here’s the mighty Mark Twain with the Chicken Plantation in the background and a number of pickup trucks. Could that be a cotton bale in the foreground?

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland Mark Twain photos at my main website.


  1. Great view as usual. The cotton bale in the foreground is one of the nice theming touches that Disneyland has been known for since opening day.

  2. Maintanence trucks again! Walt would have flipped....

  3. So many great details in this picture! Love the nautical-themed lamp posts and the cotton bales, ready for loading on the waterfront. You can also get a sense of the fore-aft curvature of the upper decks on the Mark Twain.

    The white picket fence is a nice touch, but it's interesting that WED decided to install it with the fence posts towards the walkway. It would have looked nicer to pedestrians to see the finished side only. I wonder if this was done out of expediency, or if the finished side of the fence was actually intended for viewing by those aboard the Mark Twain, so they could see a seamless barrier complementing the Plantation House as they rolled along the river. I suppose the best idea would've been to install slats along both sides of the fence, so guests on either side could benefit.

    Is that a fire hydrant, conspicuously out of theme, on the left side of the picture?
