Friday, September 29, 2006

Inside the Shops

Here’s an interior shot of Tinkerbell’s Toy Shop, circa September, 1966, showing a number of dolls. Alice appears to be the only Disney character in the bunch.

My last shot for the day is from the same set and shows the inside of what is now the Market House, where you can still play a game of checkers by the pot-bellied stove.

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. Wow, any interior photos of the shops are very unusual. I especially like the inside of the Market House!!

  2. The top photo is from Tinkerbell's Toy Shop in Fantasyland. They used to carry all the Madame Alexander dolls on one side and on the other side they would have the Matchbox cars and Britains Toy Soldiers. On the family annual visits to Disneyland when I was a wee lad, we would each get to pick a Britains Knight and a Matchbox car.
