Saturday, July 15, 2006

TWA Moonliner: Yes, I’m a signage freak

I have no idea who took this photo of the signage for the TWA Moonliner, but this is the type of photo that I would have taken had I been there. I’m a signage freak (it’s part of what I do for a living) and always notice details that most would probably pass over. This one is from August 1956.

See more vintage Disneyland Moonliner photos at my main website.


  1. Holy crap! That's the best & clearest shot of the TWA signage I've seen yet. Worthy of inclusion in any "offical" Disneyland book. I'm a signage junky too - we'll have to compare collections some time...

  2. I have a Disneyland contest advertising piece featuring the Rocket and they refered to it as the Pylon. Until seeing this shot I had no idea what they were talking about. Thanks for the piece to the puzzle. I will try and post it on my blog nest week

  3. Thanks Tiki Ranch; great blog by the way! Love the vintage graphics - way cool! You are now on my link list!
