Saturday, December 01, 2007

Where’s the Crest?

This uncluttered 3D image of the castle is also from July 1955; somebody please find me the lady who is snapping the photo on the drawbridge. I'm sure she got a good one of the swan! I had never noticed this before, but apparently the Disney crest was not on the castle until sometime in the 1960’s; the earliest dated view I could find on my quick search of my castle images was from 1968. Anybody know the story on this?

Here’s a shot from February 2007 showing the crest up close & personal:

Meanwhile, over at the Rivers of America, the banks are barren and it looks like some of the Disney folk are on the banks checking things out (which you can see in the close-up I have posted here:

See more vintage and current Disneyland Castle photos on my main website.


  1. What are they doing with a CAR in the 1860s?? (Reminds me of the Marty Sklar story.)

  2. Interesting! Harriet Burns just told me about another concept they tried on the outside of the castle (during designs for the 1957 walk-thru) that never panned out:
    "Initially, in some of their blue sky moments, Ken (Anderson) wanted to have thorns grow around the outside of the castle, and then collapse, every 20 minutes or so - but they couldn't figure out how to make it work. "

  3. Great story, Chris! Hope you have more of these gems.
